Foro - 4

Gambar dari Elizabeth Shand
the role of the Holy Spirit in building strong trainers
by Elizabeth Shand - Thursday, 17 April 2014, 21:38

The Holy Spirit is Himself a teacher/ a trainer and has the ability as we submit to Him as trainers to make us into strong teachers/trainers.

This is done by impartation.  He is given to us as a gift from the Lord Jesus.  He lives in us and with us.  He gives us His life and the mind of Christ.  He fills us and we manifest the fruit of the spirit.

Trainers can experience a personal pentecost to be continually filled and be witnesses of  the Lord Jesus Christ to others.  Ye shall receive power after that  the Holy Ghost is come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me..... ( Acts 1:8);  Be not drunk with wine but be filled with the Spirit... ( Eph 5:18)

As trainers experience this fullness they can in turn share their experiences with their trainees showing them the need for this experience to be effective in their evangelism ministry.
