Bagan Mingguan

  • Evangelism Practicum

    • Welcome to the Advance Theological Studies program (ATS). EE International initiated this educational experience to assist our greatest resources - EE staff and leaders worldwide. We are thrilled you decided to enroll in this program and we are confident God will enrich your life and ministry as you participate in EE ATS. 
    • Let me tell you about EE ATS... We developed this program to help you define your identity in Christ and your role in His great work. The courses you will take will increase your spiritual wisdom in ways that will: launch you into greater & more effective service and empower you to model to others how Christ's lordship governs your life and ministry.

  • Lecture 1: Evangelism Explosion Refresher

    Evangelism Explosion's Vision, Mission, and Training Methodology 

    This week we will teach on the key principles of 3 levels of EE training: as a Trainee, Trainer, and Clinic Teacher.


  • Lecture 2: Building a Strong Prayer Partner Ministry

    This week will show you how to build a strong prayer partner ministry.


  • Lecture 3: Building Strong Trainees

    This lecture will discuss what it takes to build strong trainees based on Luke 6:40.

  • Lecture 4: Building Strong Trainers

    This week we want to consider what it takes to raise up a group of strong trainers.  It takes a great deal of prayer, planning, and effort to build a strong, on-going ministry.  Well equipped trainers form the foundation upon which you can begin building a strong ministry.

  • Lecture 5: Teacher/Trainers

    This week we will understand the principles of why Evangelism Explosion requires a person to be a "Clinic Teacher".

  • Lecture 6: Multiplication of Laborers

    This week we will learn what it means to be an effective disciple. The lecture will be based on the books "The Lost Art of Disciple Making" by LeRoy Elms and "Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God" by J. I. Packer.

  • Lecture 7: The Making of a Disciple

    This week we want to learn how to move a person from being a convert to being a disciple through what we have called an "establishing process”.  We will discuss what this involves.

  • Lecture 8: The Making of a Laborer

    This week we hope to instill a passion for training and equipping others. 

  • Lecture 9: Becoming an Equipper

    In this next to the last session we want to consider what is involved in being an equipper of others in the grand, life-changing, world transforming endeavor we call the church, God's "called out ones.

  • Lecture 10: Spiritual Leadership

    This final week will focus on five things spiritual leaders are rather than on what they do.  These qualities are always present in the man or woman God uses for His glory.