Diagrama semanal

  • General


    • Welcome to the Advance Theological Studies program (ATS). EE International initiated this educational experience to assist our greatest resource – EE staff and leaders worldwide. We are thrilled you decided to enroll in this program and we are confident God will enrich your life and ministry as you participate in EE ATS.
    • Let me tell you about EE ATS… We developed this program to help you to define your identity in Christ and your role in His great work. The courses you will take will increase your spiritual wisdom in ways that will: launch you into greater & more effective service and empower you to model to others how Christ’s lordship governs your life and ministry.
  • Lecture 1: Introduction

    This lecture uses the "Introduction" and "Foundations” sections of the book Green: Growing Deep in a Shallow World. The first section warns of the church being influenced by contemporary culture.  The second section is an exposition of Ephesians 1 & 2.

                Lecturer: Archbishop Harry Goodhew

  • Lecture 2: Being Alone and Being Quite

    This includes the importance of reading and appling the writings from Church history ("Confessions" and "Prayers" from the past) and learning from books considered "classics" (Thomas á Kempis, Jonathan Edwards, John Calvin, CS Lewis, Bunyan, George Mueller or others.

                Lecturer: Archbishop Harry Goodhew

  • Lecture 3: Monitoring the Condition of our Souls

    This Lecture focuses on meditation and the application of principles taught in "Lecture 2".  The focus is on the inter-relationship of body, mind, will, soul and spirit.

                Lecturer: Rev. Tom Mangham

  • Lecture 4: Dealing with Issues of the Heart

    This lecture focuses on that which hinders our on-going spiritual development. This includes our inner wounds, reconciling relationships, living in the light (hidden addictions), rest & margin, stewardship of design, and living in community.

                Lecturer: Rev. Tom Mangham

  • Lecture 5: Big Picture of Spiritual Disciplines

    God has placed in each human being the desire to aspire higher.  This desire on a soul level is the longing to become glorified/transformed in his likeness.  As we yield ourselves to Him His Spirit transforms our character from the inside out to shape us more into his likeness and restores the image that was broken in the fall of humanity. This lecture also includes Ken Boa's 12 Facets of Spiritual Formation and James Bryan Smith's 6 Historical Streams/Traditions.

                Lecturer: Dr. John Parrish

  • Lecture 6: Habits of the Heart

    This lecture looks at particular spiritual disciplines that grow that Christian character and serve as antidote to our sin propensities.

                Lecturer: Dr. John Parrish

  • Lecture 7: Prayer

    This lecture focuses on the indispensable spiritual discipline of prayer.  A focus will be on the teaching of the prayer life of Martin Luthur and John Calvin.

                Lecturer: Dr. Archie Parrish

  • Lecture 8: Changing for Good

    This lecture focuses on how lasting change happens. How to help develop a biblical and practical theology of change that describes why and how people change and why some people fail to change.  We will address a process for change and the environment that helps to support lasting and deep change in an individual.  Part of this environment will be accountable relationships and the tools of spiritual disciplines to help leverage lasting change. Dr. John Parrish teaching on understanding how the change process works:  How to help develop a biblical and practical theology of change that describes why and how people change and why some people fail to change.  We will address a process for change and the environment that helps to support lasting and deep change in an individual.  Part of this environment will be accountable relationships and the tools of spiritual disciplines to help leverage lasting change.

                Lecturer: Dr. John Parrish

  • Lecture 9: Character - The Pulse of a Disciple's Heart

    This lecture focuses on different characters in Scripture and what we must learn and apply from their examples.

    Lecturer: Dr. Norman Blackaby

  • Lecture 10: Spiritual Warfare; The Holy Spirit; & How to End Well

    Dr. Chuck Davis discusses the subject of "spiritual warfare”. Rev. Tom Mangham also interviews Dr. Norm Blackaby on the subject of "The person and work of the Holy Spirit”. Mrs. Evelyn Mangham discusses the subject of "How to end well”.


                            Lecturers: Dr. Chuck Davis, Rev. Tom Mangham, Dr. Norm Blackaby,

                                                    & Mrs. Evelyn Mangham